Busy times!

Sorry we've not update this page for a while - we've been kind of busy!

During September we held babes auditions every weekend, and are proud to say we have some outstanding young talent on show in our productions this year. Louise and Hayley are now beavering away working on sorting all the performance licenses to allow all the babes to perform on stage.

Steve and Iain L are finalising scripts, sets, props lists, special effects, casting and crew for all the shows. They've had alot of production meetings with various theatres, and have several more planned over the next 10 days.

Phil is working hard in the stores prepping the sets, and Deb and Leigh are working on all the props and additional carpentry for the shows. Ian and Chris are due back from their trip to Hong Kong with the Tweenies tour soon, so Ian will soon join Phil on sets etc. and Chris takes over technical logistics for all the shows.

Dawn and Karen are hard at work up in our costume stores in York, prepping for all the pantos and the additional panto photo shoots that are taking place at the moment.

Sarah's working on accounts, logistics planning to allow the back office support to run smoothly behind the scenes, and unfortunately Ray's had a little accident and bumped her head so she's been off for a little while - but she's back Monday, thank goodness!

Cup of tea, and a chocolate hob nob, anyone? I think we need a tea break! ;O)